Training on the UN System of Environmental-economic Accounts Central Framework, Kazakhstan
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Kazakhstan's recent landmark decision to transition towards a green economy and more sustainable development model made the implementation of the SEEA a logical step to underpin analysis and policy making. The OECD Green Growth Indicators (GGIs) and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provided relevant methodological frameworks to apply in order to undertake this transition. The implementation of the SEEA tied all these measures together. The Committee on Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan requested full and in-depth statistical training on all aspects of the SEEA framework, its implementation and compilation. The training will also include GGIs and SDGs and provide statisticians a full and complete understanding of how the system applied in Kazakhstan can meet international requirements.
Our Role
Midsummer Analytics was selected by the OECD to provide the SEEA training requested by the Kazakh government. In coordination with the UN Statistics Division, the World Bank WAVES Secretariat and UNECE Statistics Division, we prepared materials for a one-week, in-depth training course on the SEEA Central Framework. We delivered the training in Astana, Kazakhstan in April 2016.